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Renee Reuter


Renee Reuter

Friends of Renee Reuter

P.O. Box 319

Imperial, MO 63052 

Tel: 314-852-0236

Family of Renee Reuter, Mike Reuter, David Reuter, Stephen Reuter and Liberty.

Since 2011, I have had the honor of serving our community on the Jefferson County Council. I have helped with everything from flood recovery, building many new government facilities (without taxes or bond issues) and significant road improvements.  


I led a brand-new, charter form of government as the first Chair of the first seven-member County Council, protected taxpayers against frivolous lawsuits, passed annual balanced budgets, saved millions restructuring existing debt and increased accessibility and accountability by putting council meeting videos online.


Why am I running for State Representative? 

Not every issue can or should be tackled locally - some must be addressed on a state level.  I’m ready for that challenge.


I believe in limited government, fiscal responsibly and government transparency.   Most of all, I believe elected officials are servants of the people, who should humbly work hard to ensure the people they represent are heard.  Finally, I believe actions make better value statements than mere words. 


My campaign announcement.

I am excited to take on this new challenge and I ask that you join me.  With your help, we can take Jefferson County values to Jefferson City.


The journey ahead will need resources.  I ask for your investment in good government.   


Personal checks up to $2,000
can be sent to:


          Friends of Renee Reuter
          P.O. Box 319
          Imperial, MO 63052


Corporate checks in any amount can be sent to:


          Friends of JeffCo
          Attn: James Prather
          P.O. Box 186
          Barnhart, MO 63012

Paid for by Friends of Renee Reuter, Mike Reuter, Treasurer

Supporters of Renee Reuter, Vote Reuter.
Mike Reuter, Circuit Clerk, and Renee Reuter, County Council & candidate for State Representative.
Renee Reuter for County Council, Jefferson County, Missouri
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